Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Market

Wake up early in the morning. Sunday market. That’s my normal activity every sunny Sunday. It’s a shopping heaven for me…I guess…. he..he..he…somehow or rather I still remember the captivating environment at Cross Green Car Boot Sale in Leeds…how I miss that…..There’re a few Sunday markets around Perth…Melville, Canning Vale but I found Belmont is the best. Although most of the goods are used or 2nd hand items but its still worth it especially clothing items for kids. It can goes as low as 20 cents for children’s winter attire…so tempting huh…. Well like they always said…there’s something for everyone!


Syah said...

Belila lebih skit utk kitaorang nanti!!!

Adzrin said...

Insyaallah kalau ada rezeki lebih. No worries mate.

Anonymous said...

But Allah will not be at the Belmont markets so please no terrorist acts

Anonymous said...

But Allah will not be at the Belmont markets so please no terrorist acts